NEWS: Co3 and The Farm bring Frank Enstein to Perth in April

Frankenstein isn’t usually interpreted as a kids’ story, though there are plenty of kid-friendly references to it in popular culture. Certainly, generations of American kids have smeared green pain on their faces, drawn wiggly black stiches across their foreheads with their mum’s eyeliner, and hit the streets in search of candy at Halloween. The ‘Frankenstein’ image enters the psyche from a young age, and it’s not until we get a bit older that we realise that the hulking, stalking figure we’ve been calling Frankenstein since we were little isn’t really Frankenstein at all. Scientist Victor Frankenstein is the central figure of Mary … Continue reading NEWS: Co3 and The Farm bring Frank Enstein to Perth in April

NEWS: Lex Randolph’s Human Becomings opens Friday at Paper Mountain

  Opening this weekend at Paper Mountain, Human Becomings by multidisciplinary artist Lex Randolph explores the intersection of body, gender and identity through an array of flesh-tone textiles, fabrics and watercolours in a museum of real and imaginary body parts. Ideas and work from Randolph’s residency at Paper Mountain last year come to fruition in the current exhibition, and he uses himself and his personal understanding of the fluidity of gender and the body to open a dialogue. Randolph says his aim is to take a light-hearted approach to this conversation on the body, and that “it’s not just an issue … Continue reading NEWS: Lex Randolph’s Human Becomings opens Friday at Paper Mountain

NEWS: Shock Art webisodes to air on ABC iview

  Shock Art: is it a lasting cultural force to reckon with, or has it become too mainstream to create its desired effect on spectators? When Marcel Duchamp put a urinal on display and gave it a title way back in 1917, could anyone have predicted that Piss Christ would become a direct heir of its controversial legacy 70 years later? Our notion of what’s shocking appears to be fluid (forgive the pun), and the lines artists cross are constantly being redrawn as society becomes desensitised and re-sensitised to different taboos. Beginning on 15 March, Shock Art, a series of webisodes from director Sam Bodhi Field, will air on … Continue reading NEWS: Shock Art webisodes to air on ABC iview